It covers new ways to communicate such as Sykpe and SecondLife; social networking sites such as Facebook and GenealogyWise; blogs and microblogs such as Twitter; sites for sharing family trees such as Ancestry and MyHeritage; sites for sharing photos and videos such as Flickr and YouTube; and community information sites such as wikis and social bookmarking.
It explains in some detail how to get started with Facebook and blogging.
1. Introduction
2. What is Social Media?
- The Internet
- Self-publishing
- Social media
3. Why use it?
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
4. Communication
- Chat
- Mailing Lists and Forums
- Social Networking
- Blogs
- Microblogging
- Virtual Worlds
5. Sharing
- Family Trees
- Photographs
- Videos
- Social Cataloguing
6. Collaboration
- Wikis
- Social Bookmarking
- Documents
- Questions and Answers
7. Dangers
- Risks
- Some Simple Rules
8. What Are You Waiting For?
Appendix 1. How to Get Started with Facebook
- Sign Up For Faebook
- Using Facebook
Appendix 2. How to Get Started with Blogging
- Find a Host
- Create an Account
- Name Your Blog
- Set Security
- Create your Profile
- Select a Design
- Start Writing!
- More Advanced Blogging
You can buy it from Gould Genealogy, and I hope you do!